The two faces of career change: internal shifts and new directions


Transformation is a big word isn’t it?

But how about if we look at transformation objectively, by simply describing it like this:

Moving from state a to state b

This involves a before and after story, a change from one thing to another. Perhaps from a career you have outgrown, to one that delights you.

Transformation might involve an ‘a-ha moment’ where we see things differently and can approach a problem with fresh eyes and clearer belief.

In ‘state b’ we can take actions that we didn’t think were possible in ‘state a’. A fundamental shift has taken place, an internal shift that opens up new possibilities, strikes a deep chord with us, and motivates us to bring that future goal to fruition.

As a coach, I can often see this a-ha moment happen in the middle of a coaching session. I can see realisations dawn, body language come alive, and the weight from shoulders being released. It’s very easy to spot!

I can see new energy and hope in my clients, and I know we’re ready to harness that change. Sometimes the shift happens quietly (or loudly!) between sessions and makes its presence felt as we dive into the next session. The change is palpable, and committed action is now possible.

A change of state

So what kind of shifts are happening here?

Firstly, there are the internal shifts that result in greater clarity, confidence and self belief. These are powerful and allow for action.

Secondly, the shifts that allow new options to be taken seriously, to be evaluated based on very personal criteria - after all everyone’s version of success is different.

1. Internal shifts are usually connected to greater awareness of:

  • Values - when clients realise ‘this matters to me most, and that’s why my current job isn’t working’

  • Strengths - when clients understand that the strengths they love using are only a tiny part of their current work

  • Purpose - when clients can see which work holds real meaning for them (beyond paying the bills)

  • Interests - when clients admit ‘I love this activity, it draws me in, I lose track of time, it energises me’

That’s why I spend serious time on exploring these elements in my career change work. The time and energy given to these areas provide huge insights and greater clarity in the search for more fulfilling work.

2. Gathering this data is invaluable, but a deeper shift is usually needed if a client is going to take action. This involves a focus on what fulfilling work could look like - a magnet that attracts and motivates them

  • Synthesising the data into a set of criteria that offer clarity on what they need for a happy life with fulfilling work

  • Generating new options with the negative blinkers off - exploring options that *energise, *fascinate, *excite and *absorb - and giving them space and time to see why each might work and why one of these is a compelling and motivating new direction

  • Greater belief that this change can happen - knowing WHY this is a great choice and HOW it can be achieved provides the fuel for the transition. Harnessing past experience of successes and achievements keeps the fire burning and keeps momentum up

From my clients

When I think about what has brought clients to me in the first place, I see that for a long time they’ve been trying everything they can think of to identify what isn’t working and what else they can do instead. When they hit a brick wall but the yearning for change doesn’t go away, they get in touch. Here are three stories of transformation from recent clients.

Fred’s Story

When Fred got in touch, he was living overseas and facing challenging times. He wanted to return to the UK and change direction into work that felt more meaningful for him professionally and personally.

He signed up to my Quickstep Career Change Coaching Programme and we worked together to bring his ‘WHY’ into focus - his values, strengths and purpose. With this clarity providing a guide, we also got creative about generating options that appealed to him.

The WHY provided criteria to evaluate options and also served to bring greater confidence and self-belief to his job search. This is what Fred had to say about his successful return to the UK:

The earlier sessions in the programme really helped in formulating a story in my head about where I want to go in the future and as a result I've become more articulate and also bolder about stating my goals to future employers. I always find that saying what I want is the best way of actually getting it, because people tend to naturally want to help me once they know what it is I want.

I've heard back from the employer and I've been offered the role that I really wanted. I'm very much counting my lucky stars as it was a great opportunity to so something I'm sure I'll enjoy and that suits my personal circumstances. This was in no small part to do with your help, especially the later sessions where we concentrated on the upcoming interviews. It helped a lot.

The job turned out even better than expected. I've joined a great team and have been assigned to 2 super interesting projects. The new projects really do tick all the boxes we identified as my priorities in terms of ethical and career values. Super excited!

A new country, a new start and work that energises him - he’s created a real turnaround in his life.

H’s story

On paper, H was doing well in her career, with satisfying moves and promotions over the years. But something was missing and this started to feel more and more urgent.

My career change programme gave her the opportunity to get to the heart of what was missing - and what would offer her greater fulfilment. Even before we had finished our coaching sessions, she had secured a new role - and was crystal clear about why this move would offer her the rewards that had been missing previously.

This is how H described her experience:

Working with Becky was incredibly helpful for me. I had been feeling frustrated and uncertain in my career but I feel so much more confident now, able to define my values and what I am aiming to do, giving me direction and purpose. Having just secured a new and more fulfilling role, I would definitely recommend Becky’s coaching to anyone who is feeling as I did.

H not only had a long term vision of future success, but she had made an immediate move to honour more of her values and strengths. That’s change in action!

Katie’s story

Katie was also looking for a better direction in her career. One of the biggest transformations I witnessed during our coaching was that she grew into a new vision of herself as a leader. The clarity she gained from the programme meant she started to genuinely own her strengths and start to use values and purpose as guides to point in a new direction. She now leads a national organisation - a wonderful outcome based on strengths I could see at the time and which she grew to be proud of and build upon.

Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

Becky helped me to separate the wood from the trees and provided just the right level of coaching and advice.

Understanding my values, my drivers, motivations, and recognising my strengths all helped me to see where I want to go in my career and how to get there.

With your coaching, I am now back on track and excited about what the future holds!’

I stand back in awe to see each one of these individuals recreate their working life. It’s inspiring.

All the clients I work with admitted to feeling stuck in one way or another when our paths first crossed. Even with clear career wins under their belts, they still needed focused support and an effective framework to shine a light on their individual WHY. Every single one of them was already doing well, but they were also feeling something was missing. It’s not surprising because as we grow, our view of success and of what matters most to us also shifts.

I hope you found their stories uplifting - career change can happen and it is happening every single day. One small step at a time.

If you’d like help getting unstuck and finding a direction that is simply more you, get in touch - perhaps this is your year to find the work that really lights you up!