One of the philosophies I base my career change work on is design-thinking.
I first met the concept and its full-scale application to 'designing a life that works for you' through the inspiring book by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans: Designing Your Life. What really appeals to me about their approach - apart from the fact that it actually works - is how it encourages us to develop new mindsets and behaviours, then to use them regularly to build the life we want. One of these is curiosity. Another is to 'try stuff'.
So in career change terms, I've found that when my clients know they want to change careers or create a different kind of life, very often they don't know how to go about exploring what might be possible. Their experience of other options might be limited, or their mindsets (sometimes aka saboteurs) could be setting up obstacles to stop them exploring.
By developing curiosity and by ‘trying stuff’, we not only get in touch with what attracts us, intrigues us or lights us up, but we also find out more about these fascinating subjects. Even more importantly, we also learn to flex and strengthen important mindset muscles and become more experimental. By bringing more of these energising experiences into our lives we are giving ourselves a win. But what if it’s also bringing us closer to life or work that fits us better and that really fulfils us? Surely that’s a win on steroids!
The Golden Thread
Exploration is a central part of my Quickstep Career Change Programme and helps participants explore widely - roof off, windows open, wide blue sky kind of widely! By pursuing those interests, talking to people who are already active in that field, volunteering, work-shadowing – basically getting involved and into action, they are both getting curious and trying out new stuff. Importantly, this is also the golden thread that links Clarity to Direction to Action in a successful career change.
To generate more curiosity and experimental try-outs, I’m running a #freestylesummer challenge to share our experiences of getting curious and trying new things.
In the spirit of adventure, of experiment, of curiosity and of fun (all central to an authentic and inspired life and career change), let's share our photos this summer and celebrate:
new places we visit, new activities we try, new clothes we wear, new music we enjoy, new ways we do things, new people we meet, new food we eat
- in fact, let's celebrate anything new that has given us a lift!
And if you feel like it, post your pics on the Freestyle Careers facebook page, or on Instagram tagging me in @FreestyleCareers and using the hashtag #freestylesummer. Feel free to add a caption or a few words saying why this was a great experience for you - or not!
Let's be spontaneous, creative and adventurous this summer - at least for some of the time!
Whether our 'new' is tiny or gargantuan, let's take some surprising, exciting, or just new-to-us steps. I can't wait to see your freestyling summer photos and wish you much joy in everything you try....
“Respond to every call that excites your spirit”