Posts tagged wellbeing
Dance in your sunny spots! How to build more vitality and momentum into a life on pause

If you feel your life has been frozen in time since the pandemic struck, you’re not alone. But if you want to get more bounce into your career change plans, here are 6 ways to retrieve your mojo and get more lucky along the way.

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Mind the gap – managing the messiness of career transitions

When moving from one role to another, or one profession to something completely different, don’t ignore the inner work that makes for clarity and a flying start in your new career. By understanding how transition is different from change, you can consciously navigate the uncertainty that lies between your past identity and the future you.

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When redundancy strikes, is it the last straw or the beginning of something better?

When your sense of control is under siege during the COVID lockdown, redundancy can deliver a tough blow. But how can you regain control and build a better future? This article explores what autonomy has to do with greater resilience and offers 10 Tips for a Calmer Transition. It’s not just about dusting off your CV, every aspect of your life needs some serious tic when you’re facing redundancy.

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Adapting well to this turbulent new world

As the CoronaVirus spreads around the world, each government brings in new restrictions and guidance to safeguard their citizens. We have to adapt quickly. Limitations on our social, physical and geographical landscapes have changed overnight, so in this practical guide I suggest ways we can adapt to accommodate those changes in the face of very real threats to our health.

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